I have experimented with different techniques, mainly etching, dry point, linocut, woodcut and painting, also created objects and animation films. 


I let the process go. I guess it helps to get a result. At the beginning of the work on a fresh idea it is not completely clear, what will come out at the end. And I can put a structure only on myself – to  prepare myself as a tool. I can organize a workshop time, get all needed materials – and then use it. Growing inside an idea is unpredictable process and the moment of it`s birth cannot be controlled. So I can only catch the wave of a proper state.


Resistance of material has an influence on my attitude and image perception. Metal got scratched, lines became cuts. When you make it you had to lay yourself out, to get angry, to resist, to sweat, while still enjoying the process. Perception of reality mute out and leads to falling into a trance. My works is a result of this process. 



By combining printed graphics, painting and animation, I want to talk about person, person loneliness in the world, about seeking, temptations and delusions, about gradually gained experience.